Us before Myeloma

Celebrating our 5 year Anniversary a few days early. Wow! We've both changed over the past few years.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Good weekend

Stevan has had a good weekend. I'm posting a photo of where Stevan got his shot of Velcade on Friday. The nurse said that it would make a rash and not to worry, that was normal.

He had problems Friday and Saturday night sleeping, due to the 40 mg of Dexamethasone he took with his Velcade shot on Friday. He says his arm hurts where they gave him the phenuma shot on Thursday.

Stevan and his friend JC will be headed back up to OKC in the morning for the week. I will be headed off to a week of work. I will have my work cut out for me this week, getting the kids back on track, making sure to get some grades taken for the new semester as well as getting things ready for me to be gone next week with Stevan. Hopefully I won't beat myself up for not going with Stevan this week. I ask for prayers that this week will go smoothly so I won't regret not going and not being there with and for him.


  1. Thanks, Michelle, for the update about Stevan's good weekend. You are in my prayers. Cheryl

  2. It is with great sadness that I've been reading your latest posts. If you recall, Steven and I went through the stem cell transplant within a month of each other. I go in next week for my next check up. I still suffer from neuropathy from the valcade that was given last year, but so far no return of MM. My prayers are with you and Steven. It is hard not to tear up as I write this....

    1. John- how are you receiving the Valcade? Are you getting it through IV or shots in the stomach? His doctor told him the shots actually help reduce the symptoms of neuropathy. How long we're or are you on Valcade? He now has two red spotches/rashes on his belly from the shots.

  3. I'm not receiving velcade at the moment. I am on a maintenance dose of Revlimid (10mg) I was given IV shots prior to my transplant. They switch over to stomach shots (I used my thigh), but it did not slow down my neuropathy. I couldn't walk more than 50 feet. The situation is better and improving very slowly. I can walk the mall now. I take Gabapentin and a small dose of Oxycodone to take the discomfort away.
