Us before Myeloma

Celebrating our 5 year Anniversary a few days early. Wow! We've both changed over the past few years.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Good Day +6

Yesterday and today has been pretty uneventful all the way around. Other than Stevan having diarrhea yesterday and today he's been pretty good. At midnight last night he had a small fever, 99.2 so it was nothing to be concerned about. Dr. Jennifer Holter stopped by this morning for a quick look at Stevan. She is now on rounds here in the unit, so we will be seeing her daily until Stevan leaves.

Stevan's red headed nurse, Jenni, told him that he was getting the floating nurse tonight. The regular unit nurses are to work the sicker patients and he wasn't that sick... LOL that made him feel good!

Stevan's counts today were:
White cells are now at a low of .1
Red cells         3.50
Hemoglobin  10.6
Platelets          72
Grace, his nurse yesterday told us that they will be closely watching each of these but when his hemoglobin goes below 8, they will give him a blood transfusion. If his platelets go below 10, he will then get platelets. Yesterday I requested my readers to donate blood. It is actually really needed, since outside the Oklahoma Blood Institute has signs up outside their building, stating there is a blood shortage. A nurse told me that it is not normal for the OBI to have those signs up.

The only excitement we have gotten today has been tonight when the thunderstorm came through and the tornado sirens in town sounded. Then the softball size hail fell for a good 10 minutes. The nurses thought we were going to have to go into the hallway, but we didn't. I was glad that I had parked in the parking garage this afternoon. It continues to storm here but I think the worse is over.

I am continue to take care of myself and get out of the hospital. Today I went to lunch with Pam Burnside. She and her husband are the parents of a former coworker of mine from Plano, TX, who took us in last summer while Stevan had his first round of radiation. Wonderful family!

We actually have had many families and individuals help us throughout this rough time. We have neighbors looking out for our animals at home as well as our house. Just checking in with us to see how we are is such a comfort to us. So thank you for all that you do to help and comfort us. You are a blessing to us.

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