Us before Myeloma

Celebrating our 5 year Anniversary a few days early. Wow! We've both changed over the past few years.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Another Day In The BMT Unit Day +18

Another boring day around here at OU Medical in the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit. Stevan had more cramping on the left side of his neck this morning. Dr Mo ordered a stronger kind of muscle relaxer for him to use from now on. It seems to be working a lot better than the Flexeril. He slept til about noon, when I finally went and subway and picked us up a sandwich. His redheaded nurse, Jenni, gave us a map tonight that has a list of local restaurants around close to the hospital. I'm going to have to venture out and try some to the other local places around. We both miss our home cooking.

Stevan took a two hour nap this afternoon before walking the longest he's ever done. A whole 35 minutes back and forth down our small hallway. Then into the shower and resting for the rest of the night. He only ate a small amount of dinner, which has been normal here lately.

A friend of Stevan's cousin, Tabatha, stop by to visit us. Pat Robinson was admitted four days ago to remove a spot of cancer off of her lung. For someone who had part of her lung taken out, she looked amazing. She had talked to Tabatha and learned that we were here at the same hospital. So with a tube still in her chest to drain fluid from her lung she asked her doctor if she could come upstairs to see us. We had a nice visit with her and learned her story and told her ours. It was nice to talk to someone from home. Lucky her, she gets to go home tomorrow.

I'm finishing up laundry tonight. I've been given the code to the room that contains a washer and dryer for me to use. Its a mini one but it beats going somewhere else to do laundry and having to wait for a couple of hours to get it done. The only catch is I have to run a bleach cycle before putting Stevan's clothes in for sanitary purposes. I can handle that!

Hopefully tomorrow we will find out what the doctors have in store for Stevan. I asked the nurses if the antibiotics and anti-fungal was keeping the fever at bay. She said yes. The antibiotic were currently treating the symptoms. If Stevan does have an infection of the bone, it will have to be treated differently than what they are currently doing. So if the doctors take him off of antibiotic, then his fever will return more than likely before they take his bone biopsy. They will then more than likely be forced to put him back on antibiotics to get his fever back down until the results come back with the answers they are looking for to they can treat it specifically.

Tune it tomorrow for what they are planning next. We can't wait either. Thank you for the prayers.

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