Us before Myeloma

Celebrating our 5 year Anniversary a few days early. Wow! We've both changed over the past few years.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Good News Day +11 and 12

Yesterday went fairly smoothly. Stevan did have a bit of nausea in the evening and couldn't eat his steak burritos he had requested from Taco Bell. He did enjoy his chocolate shake from Sonic though. Considering he hadn't taken any thing for nausea in the last couple of days, I'd say that's not bad.
All suited up to walk the hall, his daily exercise.

He still didn't sleep Saturday night, so last night they gave him Vistaril around 9pm then a shot of Adivan in his IV line, along with all of the prayers I know that was sent up for him yesterday that has finally done the trick. He slept. Dr. Holter put in an order for the nurses to watch his oxygen level over night as he was sleeping. He's had some problems with his oxygen level over the last two weeks and last night they saw them dipping to 88% at times and then back up to 95%. They believe he has sleep apnea.

Three years ago when he had his appendix taken out, the recover nurse told me that he would stop breathing at times. She told me then that she suspected that he had sleep apnea and it should get checked out. Well he doesn't admit it and would never go, but now Dr. Holter has ordered a sleep study to be done. She says that this will make him feel better once they get him diagnosed and treated for it.

Finally on to the great news. He is getting released to go home tomorrow. His body is making white cells and platelets. Since his platelets are below 50 he will probably get a bag of platelets again tomorrow before he leaves. His potassium continues to be low too, so he got another bag of it along with 4 big potassium pills...he calls horse pills, this morning.

Counts for        6/3        6/4
White Cells      .6          .9
Red Cells        2.86     2.77
Hemoglobin    8.8       8.4
Platelets           23        24

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