Us before Myeloma

Celebrating our 5 year Anniversary a few days early. Wow! We've both changed over the past few years.

Friday, June 8, 2012

More Tests Day 15

Yesterday was almost a fever free day. Stevan was on two antibiotic IV meds and now an anti-fungal med as well. Dr Holter was still trying to figure out where the fever was coming from so in order to try and rule things out she ordered a bone scan of his shoulder and full body, as well as a cardiogram to check out his heart. She said that if they all come back clear, they were going to assume there is something wrong with his central line and pull it. They would then replace it with a pick line in his arm.

Stevan waiting for one of his tests.

The highlight of all the tests, he got to get out of the BMT unit for about three hours yesterday. He was a bit excited, since he's been threatening to go past the double doors for about a week now.

One of the interns came by last night and told us that the cardiogram looked good, no concerns. They had yet to get the results of the bone scan back. He wanted to wait to pull the line until he had the results back.

At midnight he ran another fever 100.7 F. Not high enough for them to be alarmed but enough to take note of and watch. By 4:30 am it was back down to 97.3 F.

Stevan has actually been sleeping at night for the last several nights now. Part of that is from the fevers he's been running, and from the medicines they are giving him. I know that God is giving him sleep to keep him strong.

We are waiting this morning for the doctors to show up and tell us any news. As of yesterday morning, we are here til Monday.

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